
Re-Booking With Ease

What is your salon’s re-booking rate?

We all know (and love) the benefits of a consistent re-booking rate – team targets are met, peace of mind, increased profit and ease of forward-thinking business planning.

To boost your re-booking rates and confidence, we share 3 ways to have your team embrace a re-booking culture.

1. Build team confidence

The easiest way to ensure your team is hitting their re-booking targets is training and incentives.

Allocate an early morning a week to training where your team can role play vital skills such as re-booking and upselling with each other. Identify your top performers to lead the session and encourage your team to share what works well for them.

Nothing quite motivates us to do anything like a bonus or incentive. Consider having monthly prizes or bonuses for the team member that delivers the highest re-booking rate.

2. Know when to ask 

It’s important to time your re-booking requests. The best time is when they’re still in your treatment room and not when they’re at the reception.

Why? Because once they’re out of their “treatment zen”, they’re distracted by their phone, messages, finding their keys and the plans for the rest of the day.

Confirm their next appointment post-treatment and walk them to reception to finalise their appointment.

3. Take initiative 

We all know the classic lines – “I’ll do it online”, “I’m not sure about my schedule” or “It’s okay… I’ll call you”. Nope, we’re not talking about bad dates but the fact that few clients will re-book their appointment on the spot.

Utilise your clients’ treatment plans and history to navigate a re-booking structure that works for them. For example, if a client often books a Saturday morning or late Thursday trading hours, your re-booking offer should definitely be offered accordingly.

Use assertive (but friendly) language that ensures you’re the skin expert all the way back to the reception desk – especially if the time between treatments (such as peels or hair removal) is a crucial element of treatment success.

For example, language such as “Mary, for best results I’d recommend we see you again in 6 weeks time. We’ve gone ahead and booked you for the same time and day. Shall I email you through the confirmation?” not only works hard to secure your re-booking but also solidifies what Mary needs to do to achieve her best results.

Happy Re-Booking!

Call AU 1300 655 013, NZ 0800 398 749
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